Claims FAQ

Common Employee Claim Questions
Q. Can I access my claim status online?
A. At this time, we do not offer this feature to individual employees. Your employer can check your claims status on your behalf, or you may contact USAble Life Customer Care directly at or by calling 800-370-5856.
Q. Whom should I contact to check the status of my claim?
A. Our Customer Care team is happy to check your claim status for you. Call at your convenience, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST at 800-370-5856, or email We’re standing by, ready to help!
Q. Is someone assigned to my claim?
A. Yes. All claims are reviewed for completeness and assigned to a dedicated claims examiner. Your claims professional will manage your claim from start to finish, coordinating efforts to resolve your claim quickly and efficiently.
Q. How do I file a claim?
A. Email your claim to Claim forms can be found on our website at Choose the Individual tab, select Forms and Brochures, search for your State, and under product, select the appropriate product type. Remember that you will also need an Authorization for Release of Medical Records form attached to your claim. Your claim forms can be sent by fax, email, or mail, or you can file the Employee Statement section of your Short Term Disability or Hawaii Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) via through an online claim form.
Submit information and any attachments to:
- Attention: Claims Department
- Mail: P.O. Box 1650 | Little Rock, AR 72203
- Email:
- Online:
- Fax: (501) 235-8417
Q. What is the average processing time for claims?
A. A decision to pay, pend*, or deny a claim is reached on 95% of all claims within five business days of receipt.
Q. What causes delays in the claims process?
A. If the claims examiner needs more information from you (the employee), your employer, or another resource, it may delay the claim. In addition, if we have to request medical records, the processing of your claim may be delayed for several weeks or months.
Q. What taxes are withheld from my benefits?
A. The following taxes may be withheld:
- Social Security and Medicare Taxes (FICA Taxes) are withheld at the current rate on taxable benefits
- Federal Income Tax is withheld only at the insured’s request. The insured submits Form W4-S to make this request
- Benefits may be subject to other taxes such as Federal Unemployment Tax, State Unemployment Tax, State Income Tax, etc

Common Employer Claim Questions
Q. Who prepares employee W-2s?
A. Employers prepare W-2s and provide them to their employees. If requested, USAble Life will prepare your employee W-2s at no additional cost. Employers will need to submit a W-2 Agreement designating USAble Life as the preparer (this agreement is included in your application or can be requested from USAble Life Policy Services). If you use a payroll service, please discuss W-2 responsibilities with them. Most payroll services require that employers prepare the forms.
Q. Whom do I contact if I cannot access all of my claim information?
A. Our USAble Life Customer Care team will be happy to help you access your claim information. Please email or call 800-370-5856 with your group number.
Q. How do I file a claim?
A. Email claim information to Claim forms can be found on our website at Choose the Start a Claim option, search for your State, and under product select the appropriate product type. Your section of the claim forms can be sent by fax, email, or mail; or you can file the Employer Statement section of your Short Term Disability or Hawaii TDI via through an online claim form.
Submit information and any attachments to:
- Attention: Claims Department
- Mail: P.O. Box 1650 | Little Rock, AR 72203
- Email:
- Online:
- Fax: (501) 235-8417

Benefit-Specific Claim Questions
Short Term Disability
Q. I’m pregnant. When should I submit my Short Term Disability claim?
A. If you have scheduled a cesarean section, you may turn in the claim form no earlier than one week prior to the procedure. If you are expecting a normal delivery, the claim form should be submitted after the delivery to ensure the information on the form is accurate.
Q. How do I get an Short Term Disability claim form?
A. Short Term Disability claim forms can be found on our website at Choose the Individual tab, select Forms and Brochures, search for your State, and enter the keyword Forms or Claim. You can also contact your employer or call USAble Life Customer Care at 800-370-5856.
Q. Can I start my claim form online?
A. Yes. You can submit the Employee Statement via by way of an online submission experience.
Q. How do I file an Short Term Disability claim?
A. Email your claim to Claim forms can be found on our website at . Choose the Individual tab, select Forms and Brochures, search for your State, and under product, select the appropriate product type. Remember that you will also need an Authorization for Release of Medical Records form attached to your claim. Your claim forms can be sent by fax, email, or mail, or the Employee and Employer Statement section of the Short Term Disability form can be filed via through an online claim form.
Submit information and any attachments to:
- Attention: Claims Department
- Mail: P.O. Box 1650 | Little Rock, AR 72203
- Email:
- Online:
- Fax: (501) 235-8417
Q. When should I file an Short Term Disability claim?
A. Short Term Disability claims should be submitted as soon as the disability occurs to ensure a claim decision is made in a timely manner. If you have a planned surgery, delivery, etc., you can submit the claim no more than 30 days before the scheduled event.
Q. What is an elimination period?
A. An elimination period is the number of days you must be disabled before benefits are payable. No benefits are payable during the elimination period.
Q. How long does it take for a decision to be made on a Short Term Disability claim?
A. USAble Life strives to make the initial decision on Short Term Disability claims within five business days of receiving all information needed. Each claim is different, and we may request additional information to make a decision on a claim.
Q. When does USAble Life consider an insured employee disabled?
A. An insured employee is considered disabled on the date they meet the definition of disability as outlined in the policy. Medical records and information from physician(s) may aid in determining the date of disability.
Q. How long can an insured employee receive Short Term Disability benefit payments?
A. Once the elimination period is satisfied, Short Term Disability benefits are payable up to the maximum benefit period, as long as the insured continues to be disabled under the terms of the policy. Periodic updates will be requested to support the insured’s continued disability status.
Q. Who should notify USAble Life of return to work?
A. The insured employee should notify USAble Life as soon as they plan to return to work. The employer should notify USAble Life as soon as the insured has returned to work.
Q. How much will my Short Term Disability benefits be?
A. Depending on the specific policy, the benefit may be either a percentage of pre-disability earnings, an elected amount, or a flat amount. In some cases, the benefit may be reduced by other income benefits the insured is entitled to receive. Please refer to the specific policy, and contact our Customer Care team at 800-370-5856 if you have questions.
Q. How are maternity claims handled?
A. Pregnancy is considered the same as any other illness under the terms of the policy. As such, standard medical disability guidelines are considered when determining the duration of the disability. Unless there are any specific state guidelines, the standard medical disability guideline for a normal pregnancy, vaginal, or C-section delivery is six weeks postpartum. The actual duration can vary, resulting in either a shorter or a longer period based on the medical documentation provided. If the insured employee returns to work or is released to return to work prior to the six weeks postpartum date, the duration may be shorter. If disability is extended beyond six weeks postpartum, specific medical documentation supporting the medical need for the extension is required.
Q. How will an insured employee receive benefits?
A. Benefit checks are payable to the insured employee and are typically mailed to the employee’s mailing address listed on the claim form.
Q. How often do I need to complete an update form on my Short Term Disability claim?
A. Update forms are usually mailed to the employee four to six weeks after the beginning disability date. This may vary based on the individual claim.
Q. Are Short Term Disability benefits taxable?
A. Short Term Disability benefits are taxable as follows:
- When the employer pays any portion of the premium, the percentage of coverage paid by the employer is taxable
- When the employee pays any portion of the premium with pretax dollars, the percentage of coverage paid by the employee with pretax dollars is taxable
Temporary Disability Insurance
Q. What is Temporary Disability Insurance?
A. TDI, like workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance, is a wage replacement program. This means that if you are unable to work due to an off-the-job sickness or injury, and you meet the qualifying conditions of the law, you will be paid disability or sick leave benefits to partially replace the wages you lost. TDI does not include medical care.
Q. Who provides TDI benefits?
A. Your employer must provide TDI (or sick leave) benefits when you are unable to work due to a disability. The State of Hawaii does not pay TDI benefits; it makes sure every employer subject to the law provides benefits for the employer’s employees. If your employer does not provide these benefits, report this immediately to the nearest Disability Compensation Division (DCD) office.
Q. Who pays for the cost of TDI benefits?
A. Your employer may pay the entire cost or may require you to share in the cost. If you share in the cost, your employer may deduct one-half the premium, but not more than 0.5% of your weekly wages up to the maximum set annually by DCD. If your employer deducts more than the law prescribes, notify DCD immediately. No contributions can be withheld from an employee who does not meet the law’s eligibility requirement.
Q. Who is covered by TDI?
A. Any employee who meets the eligibility requirements, whether hired or on a part-time basis, must be provided TDI coverage by their employer.
Q. What are the eligibility requirements?
A. You must have been employed in Hawaii for at least 14 weeks, during each of which you were paid for 20 hours or more in the 52 weeks preceding the first day of disability and earned at least $400. The 14 weeks need not be consecutive or with only one employer.
Q. What other requirements must be met?
A. You must meet the following conditions in addition to meeting the eligibility requirements:
- Your injury or illness is not work-related (not caused by your job)
- Your injury or illness prevents you from performing your regular work
- Your disability is certified by a licensed physician, surgeon, dentist, chiropractor, osteopath, naturopath, or accredited practitioner of a faith-healing group
- You were employed immediately before the date you suffered your injury or illness, or if you were separated from your job, your disability occurred within two weeks from your separation date.
Q. How much benefit am I entitled to?
A. Your employer has a statutory plan that provides benefits according to minimum benefit standards.
- Cash benefits of 58% of your average weekly wages rounded to the next higher dollar, but not more than the maximum weekly benefit amount annually set by DCD
- Benefits from the eighth day of disability; in other words, there is a seven consecutive-day waiting period
- A maximum of 26 weeks of payments during a benefit year
- Payment will be made by USAble Life within 10 business days of receipt of a valid claim
Q. What do I do if I suffer a disability and need to file a TDI claim?
A. If you suffer a disabling non-occupational injury or sickness, notify your employer immediately and ask for Form TDI-45, Claim for Disability Benefits.
- Complete Part A of the claim form, Claimant’s Statement
- Take the form to your doctor to complete Part C, Doctor’s Statement
- Have your employer complete Part B, Employer’s Statement
- Submit completed forms to USAble Life
Q. How soon should I file a TDI claim?
A. The law requires that you file your claim within 90 days from the date you were disabled. If you file your claim after 90 days, you may lose part of your benefits unless good cause can be shown. If you file your claim 26 or more weeks after your disability, you will not be entitled to any benefits. To avoid partial or complete loss of benefits, file your claim within 90 days.
Q. What if I am denied TDI benefits or disagree with my weekly benefit amount?
A. USAble Life is required to send you written notices (three copies) if your claim is denied. If you disagree with the denial, you may appeal by explaining why you disagree on the notice and sending two copies to DCD. You have 20 days to appeal. DCD will notify you of the time and place of the appeal hearing. An impartial referee will hear your case. Although it is not required, you may have an attorney represent you at the hearing. If you do not agree with the referee’s decision, you may further appeal to the circuit court. You may appeal to DCD if you disagree with the amount of benefits paid to you by USAble Life. Bring evidence such as pay slips or check stubs to prove that you are entitled to more benefits.
Q. How does USAble Life determine if someone is ineligible for TDI benefits?
A. You are ineligible for TDI benefits if:
- You performed work for pay during your period of disability
- You were denied unemployment insurance benefits because of a work stoppage due to a labor dispute
- Your injury was willfully and intentionally self-inflicted or received while committing a criminal offense
- You received or will receive unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, or federal disability benefits
Q. What is the Special Disability Fund, and who may file for benefits?
A. A Special Disability Fund was established through assessments imposed on all employers subject to the TDI law. According to the law, this fund can only be used to pay benefits to:
- Employees whose employers have failed to provide TDI coverage or who have gone bankrupt
- Unemployed claimants who, while receiving unemployment insurance benefits, became disabled and were held ineligible for further benefits solely due to the disability
If you fall in either one of the above categories at the time you become disabled, notify the nearest DCD Office immediately. DCD will advise you on how to file a claim against the Special Disability Fund and the amount and direction of your weekly benefit amount.
Q. What is notice of insurance?
A. Your employer should have a “Notice to Employees” poster visible around their place of business that informs all employees that they are being provided TDI coverage in accordance with TDI law. If the poster does not contain information on the benefit entitlement, ask your employer for details. If no poster is visible, call this to your employer’s attention or notify the nearest DCD Office.
Q. What happens if I am paid or receive cash benefits from other sources?
A. If you were paid or expect to be paid cash benefits from other sources (except your private income protection plan) for a disability that your employer or the insurance carrier has already paid you TDI benefits, USAble Life has the right to claim or subrogate the amount paid to you. Subrogation may also extend to workers’ compensation benefits if such benefits are awarded subsequently and cover the same disability period.
Q. Can I suffer any penalties?
A. You will be ineligible for benefits for an indefinite period if you knowingly make false statements, misrepresent a fact, or fail to disclose a material fact in order to obtain unentitled benefits. You will be required to repay all improperly received benefits.
Q. Can I start my claim form online?
A. Yes. You can submit the Employee Statement via by way of an online submission experience.
Q. How do I file a TDI claim?
A. Email your claim to Claim forms can be found on our website at Choose the Individual tab, select Forms and Brochures, search for your State, and under product, select the appropriate product type. Remember that you will also need an Authorization for Release of Medical Records form attached to your claim. Your claim forms can be sent by fax, email, or mail, or the Employee and Employer Statement section of the Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) form can be filed via through an online claim form.
Submit information and any attachments to:
- Attention: Claims Department
- Mail: P.O. Box 840| Honolulu, HI 96808-0840
- Email:
- Online:
- Fax: (808) 538-8930
Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Q. How do I get a Life claim form?
A. Life claim forms can be found on our website at Choose the Individual tab, select Forms and Brochures, search for your State, and enter the keyword Forms or Claim. You can also contact your employer or call USAble Life Customer Care at 800-370-5856.
Q. Can I start my claim form online?
A. Yes. You can submit the Employee Statement via by way of an online submission experience.
Q. How do I file a Life claim?
A. Email your claim to Claim forms can be found on our website at Choose the Individual tab, select Forms and Brochures, search for your State, and under product, select the appropriate product type. Remember that you will also need an Authorization for Release of Medical Records form attached to your claim. Your claim forms can be sent by fax, email, or mail, or the Employee and Employer sections of the Life forms can be filed via through an online claim form.
Submit information and any attachments to:
- Attention: Claims Department
- Mail: P.O. Box 1650 | Little Rock, AR 72203
- Email:
- Online:
- Fax: (501) 235-8416
Q. When determining primary beneficiary percentage, what should I keep in mind?
A. Primary beneficiary amounts should total 100%.
Q. What about contingent beneficiary percentage?
A. Contingent beneficiary amounts should also total 100%.
Q. How does a contingent beneficiary become eligible to receive a benefit?
A. A contingent beneficiary will only be paid if there is no surviving primary beneficiary.
Q. What if I have multiple beneficiaries and/or more pass away?
A. The percentage designation would change and be evenly distributed to your remaining primary beneficiaries.
Q. What occurs if the beneficiary or beneficiaries are minors?
A. If a minor beneficiary is listed, we can only pay the benefit through the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act (UTMA) or legal conservatorship. The UTMA requires the guardian of the minor to complete an affidavit and can only be used on claims under the state threshold, generally $10,000. Legal conservatorship requires the assistance of an attorney, and the courts must appoint a conservator of the minor’s estate; this is a separate legal status as that of a natural parent or custodian.
Q. What if my beneficiary is not a U.S. citizen?
A. A member can list someone who is not a U.S. citizen and does not have a social security number. It is recommended that USAble Life have as much information as possible on the beneficiary (full name, address, phone number, etc.) so that we will be able to locate and identify the beneficiary in the event of a claim. Other information will need to be validated before payment can be made.
Q. What happens if there is no beneficiary on file?
A. If there is no beneficiary listed at the time of loss, USAble Life will pay according to the policy provisions. Most policies will list a class of survivors, such as spouse, children, parents, siblings, or the estate. Some policies only allow for payment to the estate. If we are paying by the policy provisions, we will need to obtain affidavits of survivorship, and if needed, these will be initiated by the claims examiner.
Q. Can a trust be considered a beneficiary?
A. Trusts can only be paid if the trust is the listed beneficiary. At the time of the claim, we would need copies of the trust documents listing the trustee and the beneficiary’s statement of claim completed by the trustee.
Q. Can an estate be eligible to receive life proceeds?
A. Estates can be paid as the listed beneficiary based on policy provisions if there is no listed beneficiary or other class of survivor. At the time of the claim, USAble Life will need copies of the estate documents listing the executor and the beneficiary’s statement of claim completed by the executor. Small estate affidavits can be used based on the amounts and specific state laws.
Q. Can a portion of the benefit proceeds be assigned to a funeral home or comparable entity to help with funeral arrangements?
A. Yes. Funeral home assignments can be completed by listed beneficiaries. Minors cannot enter into a legal contract and cannot sign an assignment. If there is more than one beneficiary, all beneficiaries will need to sign the assignment; otherwise, the entire assignment will be paid by the beneficiaries who did sign.
Life Waiver of Premium
Q. Are there age requirements for the Life Waiver of Premium (LWOP)?
A. Yes. The policy will list all eligibility requirements, including age requirements. Most policies indicate the disability must begin before the employee reaches the age of 60 or 65. Please refer to your specific policy for eligibility requirements.
Q. Does the LWOP have an elimination period?
A. Yes. The disability must continue without interruption ranging from 90 days to 180 days. Please refer to your specific policy for the waiting period. Premiums should be continued until a decision is made on the Life Waiver. Once the Life Waiver is approved, no additional premiums are due for that employee.
Q. What happens if the group has a 12-month continuation period for disability?
A. The group can choose to keep the member under the group’s coverage, regardless of age, for up to 12 months if premiums are paid. Once the 12-month continuation period expires, the member would need to apply for Life Waiver to keep the group coverage. If the member does not meet the waiver eligibility requirements, the member should be offered conversion at the end of the 12-month continuation period.
Q. If I have Short Term Disability or LTD with USAble Life, do I need to complete an LWOP claim form?
A. If a member is receiving Short Term Disability or LTD benefits with USAble Life, the disability examiner will send the disability information to the Life Waiver team to review without a separate Life Waiver claim being submitted.
Q. Will the employee and employer be notified when a decision is made on the LWOP claim?
A. Yes. When a claim decision is made on the Life Waiver, a letter is mailed out to the employer and the employee. The letter will indicate the decision, the effective date of the Life Waiver, and the amount of coverage. If the Life Waiver is denied, the member should be notified to convert the coverage.
Q. What happens if the Life Waiver claim terminates?
A. If a Life Waiver claim terminates for any reason, the employee should be offered conversion for the coverage that was enforced under the waiver claim.
Q. Can an employee retire while they are on the LWOP?
A. Yes. The policies are set up to allow members to retire and keep the life coverage.
Q. During the initial claim review, is there any interaction with the group?
A. A member of the LWOP team may reach out to the employer to gather and confirm eligibility information prior to a claim decision.
Q. How is the claim managed once it is approved?
A. After a claim has been approved, the LWOP team will establish periodic follow-ups for information to help validate if an employee continues to meet the definition of disability. If the LWOP requests coincide with the annual LTD review, the LWOP can accept a copy of those forms.
Supplemental (Wellness, Accident, Critical Illness, Hospital Indemnity)
Q. Do I have to wait until I have all of the bills before I can file an accident or cancer claim?
A. No. You may file the claim and send the bills as they are received. Always include your policy number and claim number on each bill submission.
Please refer to the specific policy for questions about the following items:
- Pre-existing provisions
- Elimination period
- Other income offsets
- Termination of coverage and/or benefits
Integrated Claims
Integrated Claim Process
Q. What is the integrated claim process?
A. USAble Life receives medical insurance claim data from your insurance provider to initiate applicable claims.
Q. How does the integrated process work?
A. When a covered employee or dependent, with medical coverage through the employer, goes to the doctor, the medical claim information is transmitted via a secure file to USAble Life once the medical claim is processed. Claims that may be eligible for benefits are reviewed to determine if additional information is needed or if the claim is eligible for benefits.
Q. With the integrated process, will I need to complete a claim form?
A. You will not need to complete a claim form unless you choose to file a claim on your own or if your spouse or dependent is not covered under your medical plan. However, at times it may be necessary for us to request additional pieces of information from you or your medical provider before a decision can be rendered on your claim.
Q. What is the processing time for an integrated claim?
A. A payment or correspondence is issued within 24 hours of USAble Life receiving the medical data.
General Information
Q. How do I obtain a copy of the policy?
A. Please contact your employer; this is an employer-owned policy. The policy will have the policy number, describes the benefits you qualify for and what is covered under the integrated products, and benefit amounts.
Wellness Benefits
Q. Are wellness benefits available under the integrated products?
A. The integrated products offer a preventative care rider.
Q. How many wellness benefits are available under the preventative care rider? How much is the benefit?
A. Please refer to the policy obtained from your employer.
Q. What is covered under the preventative care rider?
A. The following are covered under the preventative care rider:
- Biopsy for skin cancer
- Blood test for triglycerides
- Bone marrow testing
- Sampling of blood or tissue to test for genetic susceptibility for the risk of cancer
- CA15-3 (cancer antigen 15-3 — blood test for breast cancer)
- CA125 (cancer antigen 125 — blood test for ovarian cancer)
- CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen — blood test for colon cancer)
- Chest X-ray
- Colonoscopy
- Doppler screening for carotids
- Doppler screening for peripheral vascular disease
- Echocardiogram
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy
- Hemoccult stool analysis
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination
- Lipid panel (total cholesterol count)
- Mammography, including breast ultrasound
- Pap smear, including ThinPrep Pap test
- PSA (prostate specific antigen — blood test for prostate cancer)
- Serum protein electrophoresis (test for myeloma)
- Stress test on bike or treadmill
- Thermography
- Ultrasound screening of the abdominal aorta for abdominal aortic aneurysms
Q. Will I need to file a wellness claim under the preventative care rider?
A. You will not need to file a claim unless you choose to file a claim on your own or if your spouse or dependent is not covered under your medical plan.
Q. How do I file a wellness claim in the event that I choose or need to?
A. To file a wellness claim, choose from one of the following options:
Call: (800) 370-5856
File online:
Fax: (501) 235-8400
Mail: Use the address on the form.
Q. Will I need to include the policy number?
A. Your policy number is required when calling in your wellness claim or filing your wellness claim online.
Filing a Claim
Q. How do I file a claim in the event I need to file one?
A. In the event you must file a claim, please visit our website and download a claim form and submit in one of the following ways:
Fax: (501) 235-8416
Mail: Use the address on the form.
Q. What documents are required for processing my claim?
A. The documents required are dependent upon the benefit claimed.
Q. What if my spouse or dependent is not covered under my medical plan?
A. If your spouse or dependent is not covered under your medical plan, the claim will need to be submitted manually. Refer to the claim form to identify what should be included in the claim.
Q. What happens if the claim is on my dependent child who is 18 or older?
A. Correspondence is addressed to your dependent child; however, any payments issued are made to you. Any phone communication may be with the dependent or the primary insured. However, the dependent’s medical information will not be discussed with the primary insured.
Q. How long do I have to file a claim?
A. Within 60-180 days after the date of loss.
Q. May I appeal a claim decision?
A. If an adverse claim decision is made, you will receive correspondence advising you on how to file an appeal.
Q. Who are payments issued to?
A. Payments are issued to the primary insured.
Q. How are payments issued?
A. Payments are issued by check.
Q. Do you offer direct deposit?
A. No, not at this time.
Q. How much was paid on my claim?
A. Please refer to the check stub explanation of benefits.
Q. Who do I contact for questions?
A. Please contact USAble Life’s Customer Care team at 800-370-5856 or email
Q. When will I know a decision has been made on my claim?
A. Correspondence is sent to you by email or mail, or you may contact our Customer Care team.
Q. What is the status of my claim or my dependent child or spouse’s claim?
A. Correspondence is sent to you by email or mail, or you may contact our Customer Care team.
Q. Have you received my claim?
A. Correspondence is sent to you by email or mail, or you may contact our Customer Care team.
Q. What is still outstanding for processing my claim?
A. Correspondence is sent to you by email or mail. You may contact our Customer Care team or view status updates in AccessAble.
Continuing Coverage
Q. If I leave the employer, may I keep the coverage?
A. Dependent upon the reason for leaving the employer, you may have the option to apply for a ported policy, which would continue the amount of insurance you had at the time your employment terminates.
Q. What is the process to continue the coverage once I leave the employer?
A. You must apply for portability in writing to USAble Life within 31 days after the date employment ends. You must pay the required premium monthly directly to USAble Life via AutoPay. There are various frequencies of payment available. USAble Life will determine the premium rate. The first premium payment is due no later than 31 days after the date the insurance would otherwise terminate under the policy.
Q. Why do I need to apply to keep my own policy?
A. Your employer owns the policy. You are not the owner; therefore, in order to port or keep the policy, you must apply for coverage.
If you have other general questions, please contact USAble Life Customer Care at 800-370-5856. Please be aware that we cannot answer hypothetical claim questions.
*Pended claim: If the examiner needs information from an outside source (e.g., medical provider, employer), the information will be requested, and the claim will be put in a pended status for up to 45 days until the information is received. The response time for medical record(s) requests varies and may require an extension of the pended status.
Policy benefits may vary by state. Please view your policies to get the best and accurate information regarding your coverage.
The information contained in this FAQ does not alter or modify the insurance contract. Claims will be administered according to the applicable policy terms and condition.