Customer Care FAQ

Employer Frequently Asked Questions
Q. If I am unable to access claim information online, whom do I contact?
A. Please email for help accessing your claim information, or call our helpful Customer Care team at 800-370-5856 with your group number.
Q. Whom do I contact if I forget my username and/or password?
A. Please email or call Customer Care 800-370-5856 with your group number.
Q. Where can I find my group number?
A. Your group number can be found in the top right corner of your USAble Life invoice. If you need assistance, please call Customer Care at 800-370-5856 or email

Individual Frequently Asked Questions
Q. As an employee (individual), can I access my claim status online?
A. At this time, we do not offer this feature to individuals. For claim status, please email Customer Care at or call 800-370-5856.
Q. Can I pay my bill online?
A. At this time, we do not offer this feature to individuals. You may pay your bill via bank draft, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Please email Customer Care at or call 800-370-5856 for further assistance.
Q. Whom should I contact to check the status of my claim?
A. Contact Customer Care Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST at 800-370-5856 or email
Q. Do I have to wait until I have all of the bills before I can file my accident or cancer claim form?
A. You may send in a claim form to indicate your intent to file a claim, then send in bills as they are received. Always include your policy and claim number on each bill. If you have further questions, please email or call us at 800-370-5856.
Q. How can I find out information about my coverage?
A. Contact Customer Care Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST at 800-370-5856 or email
Q. How do I continue my individual policy coverage (Cancer, Accident, etc.) if I leave my place of employment?
A. Once your employer notifies USAble Life that they will no longer be receiving your premium through payroll deduction, a letter will be mailed to you with instructions on how to continue your coverage. You will have 30 days from the date on the letter to submit a premium payment. Please contact Customer Care at or call 800-370-5856 to ensure we have your correct address on file.
Q. How do I find my policy number?
A. Your policy number can be located on your policy or your invoice/statement. Please contact Customer Care if you need further assistance at 800-370-5856 or email
Q. My dependent child is an adult now. Do they still have coverage?
A. Please refer to your policy to verify the age at which your child is no longer eligible for coverage. If your dependent child is no longer eligible, the coverage may be converted to an individual policy. Please contact Customer Care 800-370-5856 or email to discuss your options.
Q. How do I change my name or address on my policy?
A. Contact Customer Care at 800-370-5856 or email us at
Q. I just got married. Can I add my spouse to my policy before open enrollment?
A. Yes, but you must apply for spouse coverage within 30 days from the date of marriage. Contact Customer Care at 800-370-5856 or email
Q. How do I get a copy of my policy?
A. Call Customer Care at 800-370-5856 or email