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Tiffany Jones – Inspired by Others to be an Agent of Change

Tiffany Jones, business systems analyst II, has been with USAble life for almost 12 years and is humbled to be a part of the inaugural inclusion council. Tiffany said, “Diversity is the beautiful complexities that make us all different from one another. Inclusion is choosing to create a sense of belonging and acceptance and allows for connection without judgment.”

Tiffany believes that education is important for diversity and inclusivity. Part of that education includes “becoming culturally competent, having conversations, being non-complacent, and having a sense of empathy.” As a member of the inclusion council, she hopes to be able to help in educating others. She said, “My goal is to assist in being an agent of change and bring to light some of the factors necessary to integrate diversity into the organization and community.”

She said, “As a biracial woman of color, I want to be a part of positive change and be able to model to my children and others that it is okay to stand out and be different because those factors should not negatively impact their ability to contribute.” Tiffany believes in normalizing diversity and inclusion. She also said, “External differences have no bearing on cognitive ability and should not be treated as such.”

Tiffany is inspired and influenced by many women who embraced those external differences to excel and break boundaries. For Tiffany, that includes her aunt, Dr. Joycelyn Elders. Dr. Elders was the first African American and second female U.S. Surgeon General and paved the way for many women and people of color. She is influenced by her mother, the first person on her maternal side to complete college and obtain a degree. Tiffany is also inspired by another aunt, who is visually impaired. She was the first person with a disability to advance in her company to become a supervisor. She said, “These women have broken barriers to advance, and have inspired others, no matter their gender or race.”

Tiffany finds Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. an inspirational figure for diversity and inclusion. King said, “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” Tiffany is inspired by those who are courageous enough to be comfortable with the terms diversity and inclusion, understand the importance of them, and are actively doing their part to promote positive change.